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Stephanie Brictson, Master Director
Honolulu Blend Chorus is thrilled to have Stephanie Brictson, an award-winning Master Director and quartet singer, as Music Director. Stephanie brings 30-plus years of barbershop experience which, most recently, included 24 years directing Jersey Sound Chorus (SAI, Region 19) and 7 years with the Bucks County Country Gentlemen (BHS, Mid-Atlantic District). She has coached ensembles of all sizes on the East coast and Midwest led by her passion for helping singers and ensembles achieve their personal best.
Through her work with youth programs and projects , she hopes to help develop young people as musicians, performers and dedicated singing members. She believes that barbershop is a unique art form that can touch people's lives in a positive way and have an impact on future generations.
Family is important to Stephanie--from her father, a retired BHS Singing Judge, all the way to her three-year-old granddaughter who prompted her move to Hawaii.
Sharing the joy of singing and making people happy is her ultimate goal as a director. "We will laugh; we will sing; and we will be challenged as we learn and grow as artists!"

Adrienne Leduc
Assistant Director
Adrienne is a charter member of Honolulu Blend, singing tenor or lead with the chorus since 2011. Growing up, she studied piano, violin, and voice, and taught herself to play guitar and 'ukulele. She sang in the Glee Club at Columbia University, as a member of the Cast Choir for the Candlelight Processional at Walt Disney World and volunteered teaching music theater to children in Monteverde, Costa Rica. She's a Registered Behavior Technician, providing one-on-one behavior therapy to children with autism spectrum disorder. In addition to singing a cappella, she loves knitting, painting with watercolors, and spending time with her two beloved cats.

Julianne Hiu
Assistant Director, Tenor Section Leader
Julianne joined Honolulu Blend in 2014 after becoming intrigued with the chorus’ heartfelt performance at the Hawai‘i Music Educators Association Conference. A choral director by profession, she was excited to join HBSC to increase her knowledge of a cappella music and sing barbershop style for the first time. Julianne has over 15 years of experience as a music educator and is a choir director at Kamehameha Middle School- Kapālama. She holds a Bachelor of Education in Secondary Vocal Music from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, and a Master of Music Education in Choral Music from Florida State University.
Judy Sadoyama
Lead Section Leader
Meet Judy, a retired high school history teacher who fell in love with barbershop in 1987 after attending a performance the male champion quartet, "The Most Happy Fellows." Despite having no formal musical background, Judy has been a Sweet Adeline for over 30 years, is a charter member of Honolulu Blend, and has served in a variety of administrative positions. She also competes regionally and internationally with the San Diego Chorus. When she's not singing, Judy enjoys spending time with friends and family (particularly her granddaughters), cooking, crafting reading, and binge-watching movies. She is thankful for the opportunities barbershop has given her to meet so many incredible people and credits it with a number of long-standing friendships!

Rachel Knapstein
Baritone Section Leader
Rachel has always been involved in various school and community choirs. In 2003, She competed in the National Eisteddfod of Wales, the largest festival of competitive music and poetry in Europe. After moving from Maryland, Rachel spotted Honolulu Blend Show Chorus performing in the community and joined the team in 2014. She had been itching for a different chorus experience and HBSC gave her the fun and friendship that she was looking for. She performed with the quartet, Candid Connection, at Regional 21 contest in 2016 and has served on the visual team and on the management team.
Gail Higaki
Bass Section Leader
Upon retiring after 30 years as an educator, Gail's bucket list item, "sing in a women's chorus" brought her to a Honolulu Blend rehearsal. She never left. The journey has taken her to six competitions and numerous performances. Gail plays the piano and guitar but had never sung in a chorus or choir, so she appreciates how music education is integrated into chorus activities. As a senior citizen, she considers barbershop singing beneficial to her health and well-being. She loves making beautiful music with friends!